Existentialate: (verb) To explore and grapple with existential questions and thoughts, often leading to personal growth and introspection.
In his quiet moments, he would existentialate, seeking answers to the mysteries of existence.
by Drakovi Bloodrose October 19, 2023
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A process by which one has spent heaps of time researching IQ and finally starts questioning if knowing one's IQ has any purpose beyond hubris.
X:...What is the point of IQ? What does knowing this number do?? Is it all to grandiose my ego? Will it ever help me in the future? Why have I spent so much time on this useless topic?
Y: There is no point... You seem to be having a case of IQ Existential Crises.
by AXAAA October 20, 2021
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The belief that something can only exist if you believe in its existance, therefore, making you the god of all in your existence
Dude, I am schrodinger's existentialism...
by ApocEclipse January 8, 2021
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when your awake at 4am and have nothing to do but be alone with your own thoughts. just you with your mind. nothing and anything could happen but it doesn’t so you just sit there. blankly starring at the ceiling.
do you ever have 4am existentialism? because i do..”
by kosmic_weedBrownie November 28, 2022
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A word used typically by vegans who think they are better than you to explain why they don't eat meat and why it's ok.
Existentially, I don't eat meat because animals have a lot of feelings, and I feel their voices should be heard.
by Prof. Linguist April 5, 2010
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Person A: *sends a Mariah Carey meme *
You: i forgot that she exists
Person A: sorry I ruined your existential bliss
You: you did
by WeezerFan07 September 28, 2022
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Existentialism: “I’m not crazy!! It’s you guys who are the crazy ones!! Stupid society.”
by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker September 29, 2021
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