1) the act of believing in evolution because the idea of God scares the crap out of you.

2) A religion that often invents methods of dating the earth to convince others and themselves that we used to be monkeys.
dude: "how was the earth created?"

"religious scientist:" An explosion... as told to me by my evolutionary religion (also known as college)

dude: but how do you know for sure?

"religious scientist:" I have FAITH that it happened...
by Consequences October 7, 2010
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Words created to fill a void in the language, usually spontaneously created during conversation. Terms created through evolutionary vogabulary are usually a combination of two or more words, that when woven together more perfectly express an idea.
Annie, Felisa, and Peter were discussing the night that Charlotte got petrifurious at Peter for jumping out of the bushes along the dark walkway next to their house. She cried the whole time she whaled on him, and he was laughing so hard he couldn't get her to stop until he was pissterical. Annie realized that in their rush to define the event, they had discovered evolutionary vogabulary.
by Annie P. November 24, 2005
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The idea that human behavior can be explained through evolution. An idea usually hated by SJWs. It shows that human nature is biological, and not all just a social construct, and can be used to explain things such as gender differences.
The human brain, like the human body, has been shaped through evolution, hence evolutionary psychology.
by thought-criminal April 1, 2015
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not the "punk that no longer exists" its a punk that listens to the new punk bands, you dont have to listen to just the misfits and sex pistols to b an actual punk, punk is just punk, this particular form is punk evolutionary
he listens to anti flag, he's a punk evolutionary
by jordom hines October 21, 2006
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Those who choose Homosexuality for themselves cannot procreate: two men cannot create a child, two women cannot create a child. Sexually abusing others into homosexuality is not sexual reproduction. As an evolutionary dead-end queers poor moral choices are on the rise. Protect your children!
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The theory that posits men can solve any challenge set before them by utilizing one of two fundamental, evolutionary paradigms. These paradigms are as follows: 1) The man can overcome any obstacle by pounding his way out and 2) what cannot be pounded out can be sexualized.
The alpha females were oppressing the beta males. When the beta males failed to overcome the female through poundage, they engaged in sexualizing their own inferiority by embracing their own cuckoldage. Thence, the alpha females submitted to the Evolutionary Masculinity Theory and lost their will to oppress, thus perpetuating the Inferior Female Theory.
by zeezer43 July 18, 2021
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The most powerful roast of all time. Unlike the others, this can only be used when all other resources are exhausted; it does not skip places in the hierarchy. Will beat both hierarchical roasts (your mom gay, your dad lesbian, your granny tranny, your family tree lgbt and your ancestors were incestors) and non-hierarchical roasts (your granpap a trap, your sister a mister etc.). Only susceptible to the eternal no u.
Person 1: your mom gay lol
Person 2: Hah, basic- your dad lesbian
Person 1: Pfft, weak, your granny tranny
Person 2: Don't make me do it
Person 1: Go on ya pussy
Person 2: your family tree lgbt
*Person 1 and all his family are sent to hell and the galaxy collapses in on itself*
Person 1: *comes back from death* You think you've won?
Person 2: I have. Your ancestors were incestors.
Person 1: Nope. Your evolutionary originators chronic masterbators.
*the universe explodes*
by unespectedinquisition June 8, 2018
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