A beautiful,smart, lets not forget "thick" woman, who's independent and doesn't really give a fuck about anyone and kinda hard to get. She is the mysterious type that has a lot of hidden talents.
Bruh that girl must be an Elaph
by Thickbih February 3, 2018
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“Hey elephant want to hear a joke? (Elephant says yes) me: why does they chicken cross the road? Elephant: idk. me: because he wanted a snack! (Elephant laughs so hard) Me: and that’s what I call a elaph! (Crowd laughs)”
by Elephant enthusiast September 27, 2022
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To have an unusually large set of nuts
Jimmy couldn't walk properly and tripped on his nuts alot because he had elephantitis
by Nut Skraper May 25, 2003
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