It's chill man; To go with the flow while being easy and breezy; easy on the eyes and pleasantly surprised; made infamous by Snoop Dogg himself; see Pitch Perfect 2
Guy 1: Hey man, what do you say about dinner this weekend with Andrea at that new restaurant in LA?

Guy 2: groovy like a drive-in movie
by andimak2639 December 27, 2019
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A porn movie that is shown outside on a giant movie screen and you sit in your car and watch it. there is a lot more privicy in a car. You can jackoff, fuck someone ect. while you watch it.
There used to be a lot of drive in movies but not for porn. Now they are switching to porn and more are being built.It is a great porn experence to see it on a giant screen ect.
by Deep blue 2012 April 14, 2010
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