Douche bag + Democrat = Doucheocrat. A zealous big-government-loving member of said political party. Doucheocrats can be typically characterized as surly, condescending, authoritarian-minded douche bags who think that their anti-individual political beliefs are the be-all and end-all of humanity. A doucheocrat suffers from a certain psychological disorder, sometimes described as LWA (left-wing authoritarianism). Because of their self-absorbed nature, doucheocrats frequently make retarded statements like “Jimmy Carter really was a great president” or “you’re gonna get your national health care, like it or not, you dumb hicks!” or "we should invade Darfur and convert those people to veganism".

Doucheocrats will twist reality, undermine civil liberties, common sense and every moral boundary in their lust for expanding government and grabbing power over “the sheeple”. A doucheocrat will wrap this lust for world domination in syrupy, do-gooder rhetoric and label anyone who stands in their way as “lacking compassion” or “bigoted”. Doucheocrats believe in taking innocent people's money and giving it to corporate gangsters, bureaucratic whores and sleazy women. Through extensive social engineering and heavy taxation, doucheocrats aspire to make every man woman and child a homogenized, uncreative zombie living completely dependent upon their pagan establishment.
Paul Krugeman, Barney Frank, the staff of the New York Times

"man, my congressman is a real doucheocrat. All he does is vote to raise my taxes and impose more laws upon me! Why can't he realize that I would just like to have my hot girlfriend and be left alone?!!
by truerebel August 2, 2010
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