1.) v. a perjorative term in slang that is similar to the word asshole, but is arguably a little less harsh. Most commonly used by Generation X and later generations (Generation Y/Echo Boom is especially prone to using this word like common verbal etiquette), to denote such people without calling them out and out asshole's, cocksucker's, or cunt's.

See asshole.

2.) A device that is used to administer a douce, most commonly used by women to irrigate and rinse the vagina.
1.) "Today, my teacher yelled at me before the entire class today, then when I tried to argue back, he made me get up before the class, pantsed me, and then grabbed me and beat me with a ruler."

"Really? What a fuckin' doucebag, you should sue him!!!"

2.) Kelly lent Linda her douce that came with a doucebag to hold the fluid for the douce.
by The White Phantom July 7, 2011
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Sequel to douchebag and a more severe insult, originating in the misspelling of the original on comment boards across the internet because the commenter was too pissed off to get it right or to care that it was wrong. Metaphorically refers to a sac of turds, with douce deriving from "I have to go #2" or "I gotta drop a deuce."
I hate that guy. What a doucebag!
by trashsweeper June 7, 2011
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