The convex bump in your denim jeans formed in the crotch region when in a sitting position. A very annoying & gender-confusing look for the female population since most females actually don't have a dick underneath their denim bulge.
*casually reposition self while in sitting position so denim dick looks less conspicuous*
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the pain you get in your dick after grinding with a girl for an extended period of time without getting anything afterward; your dick gets rubbed raw by the scraping together of jeans
Yo Nick did you get with Rose last weekend?
Nah bro, she just gave me denim dick.
by mikeokhurts69 November 3, 2011
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When you wear your raw denim too hard and the stain rubs off on your penis turning it a blue or black (Depending on the denim).
After Joe wore his raw denim jean's working out, the sweat made him have denim dick!
by Zanoptics54 February 7, 2011
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1. When a woman refuses her anatomy but will merely accept friction between denim, often causing a jean boner.

Some who experience this sensation report "blue balls" and/or 1/8th of orgasm.

2. When you don't get to go all the way with the girl you're hooking up with
Me: "man, how far'd you get with that chick last night"

Sam: "Denim dick man"
by DontQ January 9, 2016
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