A symbol of hope for all who uses his excellent comedic timing and big digitoutry to spread happiness amongst his peers
Although he is much smarter and kooler than most people, he still faces challenges in his life, subject to the heavy claws of authority.
However, this does not prevent him from being the best he can be, concluding in a bathtub of his own triumph.
'Believe in yourself'

by guccigetta6969 April 19, 2015
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Dejan is a funny and sexy guy with beautiful hair, handsom face and a stunning body. A real ladys man who is also extremely intelligent and will reach great success in life.
1. Ohh look it's Dejan! I wish i could be like him.

2. Wow he is so hot! It must be Dejan!
by ReflectingLight November 19, 2017
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A hardworking man. He always strives for success, even if it seems impossible. A determined person in all aspects, whether that be to his family, his lover or his job. When he cracks a joke, everyone laughs. His stress may give him a temper, but he's an honest and loving person at heart.
I wish we had a hard worker...
Someone like Dejan...
by Me Big Boys July 18, 2020
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This guy...with a twin...that doesn't really look like him...who is wickedly awesome! He likes to play soccer, snowboard and has nice hair!
Dejan rocks many peoples socks.
by cstal February 6, 2010
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A serbo-cratian name. Dejan is a popular name of Serbs but has also been used by Croats and Slovenians.
-Dejan Savicevic, Dejan Stankovic, Dejan Bodiroga (SERBS)
by Dejan April 29, 2004
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Dejan is drunk text for the word drunk.
Who wants to get dejan with me tonight?
by Day_3 November 16, 2021
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