(US LAW) a legal ruling that consists of a decision in which the two parties (the plaintiff and the defendant) consent to some action by the defendant in exchange for a suspended sentence. For example, a husband who is a defendant in a domestic violence case may agree to psychiatric counseling in exchange for not going to prison for assaulting his wife.

The agreement has to be reached beforehand by the parties and then the court may (or may not) approve of the agreement. When it does, that's a consent decree.
WASHINGTON, July 14 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Justice Department today announced a court-approved consent decree which resolves a lawsuit against the state of New York and its public university systems for their failure to provide voter registration services at offices serving students with disabilities at each public university and college campus in New York State.


Under the consent decree, by the start of the 2010-2011 school year, disability services offices at each public university and college campus in the state will provide voter registration services to students with disabilities.
by Abu Yahya July 15, 2010
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A law that stems from ancient times, states that all men born into the world with a penis shall have at least two intense sexual desires. This rule states that a man must have at least as many fetishes as he does genatalia. Such fetishes may include, but are not limited to, foot fetish, bondage fetish, femdom fetish, hentai fetish, earlobe fetish, knee fetish, boob fetish, ass fetish, attractive singing voice fetish, etc. Of course a man may have more than 2 fetishes, but according to the decree of dual desires, a true man has at least 2.
Megan: So, Joe, you got any fetishes? ;)
Joe: I have a major foot fetish.
Megan: Is that your only one?
Joe: Yep.
Megan: What a faggot! According to the decree of dual desires, a true man has at least 2. I can't sleep with you.
by EarlobeFetishMan February 5, 2014
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