A person who intentionally harms his or her self.
This term is not limited to those who cut themselves, but is also often used to sum up any self-mutilator. Many cutters use various other forms of self-mutilation, such as burning themselves, stabbing themselves with needles, biting, etc...
In GENERAL, but not all inclusively, cutters tend to be female, and teenage to young adult. It is common for a cutter to have been molested as a child, or to be dealing with other sexual inner-torment, but this is definitely not always the case. Any sort of torment can inspire one to cut.
Some cutters cut to focus the emotional pain to the physical, some for the adrenaline rush, and some do it just to feel. Some people become emotionally numb to reality and use cutting as a way to reconnect.
Some cutters bleed, some don't. Some cutters HAVE TO bleed. Some cutters get to the point where cutting in itself is not enough, but they must see the blood, must feel it pouring out.
Cutting does not mean a person is suicidal, but it is common to use cutting as an ALTERNATIVE to suicide. A cutter might be tempted to commit suicide, and usually has issues with depression, but maybe realizes suicide is not a good option. But they have to do SOMETHING; so they cut.
But sadly, oftentimes cutting loses its thrill, and suicide is the only step left. Or the cutting gets deeper-- more blood, more cuts, more pain...
If you think you know somebody is a cutter, don't judge them. And even above that, DON'T ASK QUESTIONS about it. They're ashamed---
I used to cut. When I did it, or rather, WHILE I was doing it, it was everything I needed. Such a relief-- but then when I'd wake up the next morning, I'd see my arms, all scabbed and scarred, and think, "What have I DONE to myself?!" I tried to hide it. The winter was easy, wearing long sleaves every day, but then people began to notice...

Cutting is, I'd say always, NEVER for attention. On the contrary... It's often a habit for someone who just needs something to redirect their OWN attention.
by Miss Tiffany June 12, 2005
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From the movie "Breaking Away" (1979), about a teenager named Dave who loves bike racing and dreams about racing the Italians someday.

In the movie the term is used by college students to describe other teenagers who do not attend the college--or any schooling, for that matter.
Mike: They're gonna keep callin' us "cutters." To them, it's just a dirty word. To me, it's just somethin' else I never got a chance to be.
by AWAss November 22, 2006
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cutting is a form of self-injury (a.k.a. self-harm or self-mutilation) in which a person uses any sharp object to cut themselves. “cutter” is the name, often derogatory and used by uneducated people, used when referring to an individual who does this.

most of these answers listed “attention seeking” as one of the primary reasons for self-injury, but this “attention seeking” is often just a way to get those around you to see that you are hurting. the misconception of mental illness is that its not real- one cannot point to a part of their body and tell you where it hurts, and its often difficult for people without mental illness to understand it. no one self harms without being in pain, whether that be dealing with a traumatic event or feeling unseen. always show compssion, and remember that they are suffering, too.

in general, there are six reasons people self injure:

1. distraction or control
2. a release
3. to feel something when numb
4. to express themselves or communicate and/or document strong emotions they are feeling and cannot otherwise articulate.
5. to punish themselves
6. for a temporary but intense feeling of euphoria caused by adrenaline
cutting is a coping skill developed over time when individuals are forced to deal with prolonged negative emotions, numbness, trauma, etc.

a “perfect life” from the outside perspective is no indication of what actually happens behind closed doors, or what they are experiencing mentally.
mark: eww, did you see her arms? shes a fucking cutter thats so weird. shes definitely doing it for attention. her lifes fine.

kevin: you are an idiot. shes clearly suffering.
by missthingybop March 24, 2021
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A cutter is someone who can't deal with the stress that is going on in their lives. Focusing on the pain of the cut is taking the mind temporarily off the problem.
I was a cutter twelve years ago and once I removed myself from the stressful situation I stopped. Now, twelve years later I started doing it again by being in a toxic relationship. I completely forgot that I had done this but as soon as I could not handle the anxiety, feeling completely out of control, it was the first thing I turned to do to relieve it.
by milesfromnowhere September 3, 2010
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a person who feels they have to take their pain away by taking it on themselves
mi friernd has been in the hospital countless times and is suicide he is a cutter
by ihatenumetal May 31, 2006
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A person, commonly a teenage girl, who practices 'self mutilation' but cutting there skin with any number of objects. They generaly cut to relive emotional pain, or because it is the only pain in their life they belive they can controll. Others cut for attention, or to fit in with a group. They come from all backgrounds, but are usually assoaciated with the emo/goth sterotypes.
"I saw Ellie in the school bathroom yesterday holding a razor, she's a total cutter."
by Tearzz November 2, 2005
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A cutter is not necessarily a emo person, they are simply a person who has so much pain (both mental and physical) that they feel that they do not have control over themselves and the only way that they can feel in control is when they cut themselves.
A person who has been abused, mentally or physically, wants to be in control over something, in which some cases it leads to personal injury. Cutters are not emo or goththey are just your everday person with too much pain.
by Destructive Beauty March 22, 2007
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