An ambitious young adult, usually college-educated, living in or near a large city. They look after number one, and everyone else is low on the priority list.
"Look at that cunt faced cunt over there drinking all the mojito's"
by Craig Mac February 13, 2008
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Ann Coulter, a self proclaimed bigot, who is everything that is wrong with America. It is people like her that stop real progress and change in America while spreading lies and hate.
Son: "Hey dad, what are you reading"

Dad: "...Slander, by Ann Coulter"

Son: "No! Dad, not that cunted cunt!"
by birkenstock wearing treehugger November 22, 2009
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One whom is not merely a cunt, but a cunting cunt.
Why is it that all chavs are cunting cunts?
by Mr x March 21, 2004
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Basically the same as "Stunt Cunt", but differs in the person acts as your friend and then bad mouths you to everyone and pulls any stunt to make you look bad and her "the victim"
I had all of the eggs ready for tomorrow, and Beth used them today, just to make me look bad!
She's such a "CUNT FACE CUNT"
by Money bags 97 July 5, 2017
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A woman or gay man so "cuntish" in behavior that she or he can only be insultingly described as a double-cunt (double-cunt) - parentheticals added as an alliteration to emphasize such doubly-cuntishly behavior (an homage to DoubleMint Gum). Term coined by Mark Hänser of Boston, MA.
Lee was such a cunt; so much so that only the term "double-cunt (double-cunt)" would do.
by Victor Felix August 21, 2005
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