The act of taking a bowl of banana corn flakes and jizzing over it then mixing it in thoroughly. Once done, pour the bowl of flakes in a bitches ass crack and let it maranate for several days. Then take a rusty spork and scoop out the baked flakes. Once done put the flakes into a fancy bowl, and take the bitch and lactate her tittys for some milk. Then let the flakes get soggy in the bowl and then stur and enjoy!
Tyler enjoys titty sprinkles on his crusty banana ass flakes.

A Real OG: "Yo nigga my bitch let me make some crusty bannana ass flakes"

The Nigga: "FO REALLLZZZZZ?!?!?!?!"
by ThatJimmyRustler May 31, 2014
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A bitch who has raggedy, filthy, dusty, toe up, and nappy ass weave(fake ass hair)
Person 1: I seen shanice at the store yesterday.

Person 2: Man fuck that crusty weave ass hoe.
by King2011 October 29, 2011
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