Kevin Millar's pregame chant as he grabs his ankles and takes it in the stink from the eight other starters on the Boston Nine.
Cowboy up, Manny! You're next!
by Eaton Buch May 18, 2005
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A term used by small city fire departments when a Big City Fire Fighter takes initiative to accomplish a task during an emergency without being told to do so.
Did you see the Big City Fire Engineer "Cowboy up" when he took lights and blowers to the front door of that structure fire? I.C. never requested that.
by Johnny Wayne October 5, 2013
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Used in the same sense as the expression "get yourself together." Often heard with an expletive.
"Cowboy the f*** up!"
by Sage November 16, 2004
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What your fat hillbilly neighbor says when he's ready to get going.
You: We ready to go mow some lawns now?
RJ (typical hillbilly name): YEAH BOY, LETS GO BABY, Cowboy Up!!!!!!
You: Ok then...
by Lord_Ahrim1536 June 26, 2015
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A term describing a once illegal act between Aggies.
You look so hot in those tight wranglers. I am going to Cowboy Up that tonight.
by txGeek October 10, 2003
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Something that's on EVERYONE's away message right now.
"time to cowboy up"

"cowboy up haha talz, supportin the sockies"

and lastly

"watchin the sox vs As

(all are direct examples)
by Lise October 7, 2003
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