Эй , вы собираетесь в Counter-Strike: Global Offensive турнир в эти выходные ?
by twilight the fat wizard March 12, 2016
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A game that doesn't require any skills to be good at, all you need is a good inventory. You should have one of your several Karambit knives equipped at all times and inspect it in game whenever possible to ensure that anybody who is spectating you is aware that you are aware you're being watched and you are absolutely showing off that extremely pricey knife you own.

Your stats are irrelevant when playing this game, most people aren't even aware that the 'Tab' key actually has a function in game. It doesn't matter if you don't know what 'eco' means. Fu­ck team work. You have a 'BOOM' AWP in your inventory, as long as you have $4750 cash in game you're buying an AWP.

While playing, it's recommended that you mock anyone who decided to give their Nova the 'Walnut' skin. Same goes for people who give their FAMAS the 'Doomkitty' skin. You will only equip 'StatTrak' weapons and the first thing you do when you acquire one is go on an idle server and get several hundred kills on AFK players in order to pad the stats so you don't look like a total n00b.

You now have all the knowledge required to start playing CS:GO. Go forth and procure many skins of great value.
Yo bro, check out my new StatTrak Karambit Slaughter that I unboxed on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It only took me 978 keys!
by JuannyBravo September 20, 2014
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A game that requires lots of skill and time to perfect it is not another call of duty FPS. this game is a very skilled FPS with tournaments that go up to 200,000 thousand dollars. it has a great adult community usually 17-40 very good sportsmanship i recommend buying this from steam!
by DemiZe_PHANTOM December 12, 2013
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The game of counter strike 1.6 with better graphics and other things. They have less hacks and is way more better. The game is very fun and easy, its guns also has less recoil.
Shit man, im in this awsome clan that owns czl-i. I can play cz for 12 hours stright.
by 1/2 @mazing February 22, 2005
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A ghetto ass video game that looks like shit and plays like shit. If you're gonna play a REAL military game download americas army freaks! AND FORGET World of Warcraft too, or better yet get outside and get some fresh air gamers!
Play Americas Army or dont play at all and get some fresh air nerds!
by Bertish June 21, 2005
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