The bloated sack in which resides in the anus. It is blissfully restocked with gas, daily. The toxins in the gas are enough to render a snob unconscious. The gases are expelled on a daily basis from the anus approximately 15 times a day. 2 times if you are a gimboid. 30 if you work at a fast food retaurant.
My colon is feelin' great, thank you!
by Bastardized Bottomburp March 28, 2003
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A derogatory term used to describe white people, Caucasians, or people of European decent.

See also:
•Karen (An entitled white woman).

The term’s origin can be attributed to the long history of European conquest; and the assimilation of non-European lands, people, and cultures. However, the term was recently popularized by Disney in the Marvel film Black Panther.
Don’t touch that, colonizer.”
by NerdyWeirdo October 6, 2021
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A person of Caucasian origins who is not helping to improve life for the people of color in the 21st century (mainly African Americans). They see nothing wrong with a events such as segregation, slavery, and the wars started in Africa due to the ridiculous ways of trade with whites.
"Shut up daquan, go pick some cotton." "Fuck you colonizer, wakanda forever" *Tribal music begins to play*
by Shomari Adebowale February 28, 2018
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Thinking that all groups of white people (Europeans) colonized everything is ignorance, and it spreads like wildfire. You don't hear about many Russian or Polish colonies outside Europe/Eurasia. You don't hear about many parts of the world colonized by Eastern European groups. The Greeks also don't do much colonizing in recent history, so it's mainly been about 7 or 8 groups of Europeans (the Vikings did land in North America a thousand years ago) in recent history that did most of the colonizing worldwide (English, Dutch, German, French, Belgian, Spanish, Portugeuse, and Italian). Those 7 or 8 groups have had a lot of the influence in Europe, so people in other parts of the world wouldn't have any more time to differentiate between an Italian and a Bosnian than someone in Europe would have time to differentiate between a Tanzanian and a South African, thus theres a lot of assumptions and ignorance based on what people look like.
Not even every family in every country that did colonize other parts of the world was involved in colonization. There were people/families in England, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium that didn't have the time on the money to go out and explore the world, look for gold, or enslave other groups. They were going to work for the same kinds of people that were colonizing other parts of the world.
by Solid Mantis September 27, 2020
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A racial Slur for white people, often more specifically towards white men.
Inoffensive and historically inaccurate it does little more than to let you know someone is an ignorant racist.

verb; *Colonized* A slur used to spread hate to other poc for having a positive relationship with a Caucasian.
*white person exists*
racist: Colonizer!

*poc dates a white person*
racist: Dumb bitch let herself get colonized!
by Jyamall January 6, 2021
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Chad: I hate blacks and hispanics, fucking monkeys
Mirah: Shut up you fat colonizer
by glockixes July 9, 2020
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