when kaboom sits in from of the tv and doesn't switch to a modern tv provider. He is defined as a "salty codger"

Since Kaboom sits in front of the of the tv all day, he is a salty codger :)
by Smartaleec9 March 8, 2019
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The term used for a male who prefers the company of Lesbians. This is similar to the term "fag-Hag" but with the genders switched around.
- Why is John hanging out with lucy and mary for? He Knows they're lesbians right?
- Well Its expected from a butch-codger
by myndhead July 25, 2011
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Someone who will fool you with a variant on the truth. It is derived from an expression such as "Watch out for 'im, without doubt 'e'll cod yer." To cod means to fool you into believing a lie. This is a quality that age tends to bring on, thus: "old codger"; "young codger is in rare use.
I codded 'im perspicuitively, but 'e caught on and called me a codger.
by Wong C. Lee February 9, 2017
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