1. Eating Pussy
2. Licking Pussy with tongue
3. Pleasuring a female with the tongue
Man I had to chop box last night, makes girls down to get freaky when you chop some box
by moneydollars24 October 6, 2009
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rapidly penetrating a vagina, so that its getting chopped
chopping (fucking) some box(pussy)
man i just need to chop some box right now.
by michaelbivy May 6, 2008
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Australian slang; for the container that which chopped up weed is stored during a sesh. Small lunch/crib boxes are usually repurposed for this task. Hence the name
"Oi mate i'm fangging a cone; can you pass us the chop box?"

"Fuck I left the chop box back at the park" - Some 15 year old esh cunt
by Galavenski July 29, 2023
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