horrible, terrible, unappetizing breath that may or may not smell seafood-ish but is undeniably stinky. the term originates from the perpetually smelly breath of felino-americans.
Archibald drank his Starbuck's latte and chased it with a garlic and garganzola scone and a pack of Marlboro's. Archibald, as anyone in a 20 foot radius could tell you, had cat breath that no breath mint or gum could conquer.
by dizzzzzz October 19, 2005
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Morning breath which smells as if a cat took a shit in your mouth, as you slept.
Good morning, did a cat shit in your mouth last night? Your breath is "cat shit breath".
by Love a good blonde December 9, 2016
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Morning breath that smells akin to cat poop. Typically occurs after a night of drinking, or nacho eating.
Girl: Good morning. Jeezy creezy, you have cat poop breath!
Guy: I'm pretty sure I got into a batch last night when I was drunk.
by uvkorn7 November 19, 2010
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