An individual who chooses to do the absolute bare minimum at his/her place of employment + life in general. Classic example is a lazy and complacent government employee whose position is shielded from real accountability. Often an overweight smoker who possess a permanent pouty-face from an existence devoid of good health, self-respect, and life goals.

Buttpickers can be typically spotted feeding on zebra cakes and diet Mountain Dew from the nearest Shit-Dispenser, whilst scratching and sniffing their big nasty asses. They are often lumbering to and fro pretending to do work, chatting with the other buttpickers within its ecosystem. This species of humanoid is exponentially driving up the cost of healthcare, which is really fucking infuriating to us non-buttpickers.

Don't become a buttpicker, son. It's bad for ya and everyone will hate you.
Ben: “Look, Dave. Another buttpicker is waddling towards the free Twinkies.”

Dave: “That lady just scatched her ass for like 15 seconds…fucking gross.”
by genitaltraffic4781 March 29, 2019
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