A nice word that men use in presenting some sort of emotional affection towards other men.
Man #1: I'm really scared.

Man #2: Everything is going to be okay, buddy.
by souldude May 24, 2009
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1: a good friend that you are confortable being around and sharing things with.
2: a condescending term used sarcastically to describe someone that you consider below yourself.
"I'm going to have some beers with my buddy tonight."

"Buddy just told me I can't park my car here."
by Samuel WIlliams November 9, 2006
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Guy: Would you like to go out tonight?
Girl: Sure, buddy.
Guy: *Aww man*
by beenFRIENDzoned September 19, 2010
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A term that young American guys use to refer to their friend.
"My buddy lives there," or "I'm going to my buddy's house tonight."
by annee January 12, 2006
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If a girl calls you this, they don't want to have sex with you.
Girl: Hey, buddy, I'm banging your best friend, how are you?

You: F*#@ off bitch
by CheesusHChrist July 30, 2010
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a douchebag, asshole, or someone else that annoys you/gets on your nerves. Usually another driver on the road.
"Move it, buddy!"
by timmytt November 20, 2010
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A term used to give someone the not so subtle hint that the two are you are JUST friends. synonymus with "pal"
hey buddy, i cant hang out with you this weekend.
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