A term made up by far right Ukraine hating Kremlin trolls pretending to be left wing commenters. They usually whine about America sending arms to other countries in order to protect themselves against Russian aggression. They get really butthurt when their called Vatniks, Tankies, Orcs and any other phrase used to describe Moskals.
"Stop the war Bombies! - Kremlin paid Vatnik troll
by Burn Mar-a-Lago August 16, 2023
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Bomby is a village in Cumbria, England.
I was in Bomby last week.
by The real BoMbY February 26, 2011
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1. A Bieber Zombie

2. A symptom of the Bieber fever (See "Bombie-ism)
3. Derogatory statement, meaning "To love Justin Bieber".
1. "Dude, that chick loves Justin Bieber so much"
"Yeah, she's a Bombie"
3."000hh MA1 G0D JU5T1N uR Saaa HAWT"- Bombie
"Eww, get away from me, that shits contagious..."- Non- infected person
by Jordansawesome May 8, 2011
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two double cheeseburgers with big mac sauce and shredded lettuce (no extra charge), two large fries, and two sodas shared between a fellow stoned friend.
"Lets go to McDonalds and get a bomby all."

"bomby all?"
by boostjunkie92 June 24, 2009
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When you take socks and ball them up, then stuff them in a tube sock and then hit people with them.
by Lycan_Rage June 6, 2007
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Referring to a nastiness opposite behavior with a Preposterous word
The most ridiculous about you that you use rubbish in your word, so bomby down
by Muheeb October 19, 2020
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