is more than a website. It's a community where people talk about their love and passion (which are Benz') and mostly about modding them with the nicest and greatest parts available.
If you are a member of you're a BNZSporter. If you're a BNZSporter you're my brother.
by HdS500 May 4, 2003
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Also can be known as "bnzsport syndrome" to describe an addiction to modifying one's Mercedes-Benz. Once afflicted, the victim searches endlessly for parts, agonizing over wait time during delivery, and expresses enthusiasm once the parts arrive to share them on a forum board that acts more like a support group.
"Ha-ha - I TOLD you that you were going to get BNZsport syndrome sooner or later!!"
by Luwin1026 April 30, 2003
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The epitome of online Mercedes enthusiasm.
I love Mercedes...

Oh, so you're on BNZSport then!
by Humpty September 16, 2003
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