A young lady with a shapely and well formed postirier Fat ass and thights
"Did you see the bisqeet on that chick?"
by ghost718 May 28, 2005
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To fall asleep or go home to bed at a party or sessionwhile under the influence of chron and/or alchohol. The word has a broad meaning which also includes vomiting, feeling sick and going green after smoking. Some people are repeat bisqueet offenders and always managed to dose off. 9 out of 10 housewives believe bisqueeters to be the no.1 cause of party collapse.
Look, timmy is bisqueet!! He is always bisqueeting. He bisqueeted last week too. Lets eat sugar-puffs,so our piss smells, and piss on his face
by sprowny prack February 10, 2005
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