Second Beer Pool Master is the phenomenon observed at a pool table after the subject has consumed a select quantity of a brewed alcoholic beverage.

Extensive studies have shown that although consumption of a second brewed beverage within a short time period has the ability to improve pool skills, a third appears to initiate the numbing process of the the brain dedicated towards being a Pool Master.

The skill level of a pool player can be determined by the following process:

where(player.Environment = "Pool Table") {
set skillLevel.value to 1 ///out of 10
beersConsumed = 0
foreach(beer as consumed) {
beersConsumedNow = beersConsumed + 1
if(beersConsumedNow < 1) {
set skillLevel.value to 2
elsif(beersConsumedNow = 2) {
set skillLevel.value to 9.5
set player.label to 'Legend'
set hotGirls.affinity to 182%
elsif(beersConsumedNow >2) {
foreach(countOf(beersConsumedNow)) {
set skillLevel.value to (history.skillLevel - (beersConsumedNow/10))
Darren: How did you pull that move off? It was incredibe!
Scott: I am a believer of the 'Second Beer Pool Master' theory.

Have you found your Lord and Savior "Beer, the Second"
by Haydius April 8, 2017
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