A person being extreemly crazy, but not quite insane a batshit fucking insane
"Meanwhile, on the other side of the political spectrum, Adbusters has gone absolutely batshit insane..."

(we can't stop the dancing chicken) --Posted by mattb
by A guy named John July 9, 2005
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someone who has absolutely nothing to lose. batshit crazy people are different from regular crazy people because of their attitude and activities. a regular crazy person would shoot at a plane with a pistol. a batshit crazy person will jump off of one plane with a knife in their hands, onto another, break the glass and kill the pilot ... and land safely. in order to be truly batshit crazy the person must do the most outrageous things every and still return safely.
crazy: throw a brick through your window

batshit crazy: throw a brick through your window, call the cops, wait for them to arrive, tell them what they did, and still get away.
by maximushyrule June 16, 2008
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Word meaning "certifiably insane" Origin comes from the fact that bat feces contain an organism called Histoplasm Capsulatum that infects the brain of any host in which it infects and causes them to act psychotic.
The guy found out the paternity test results and went batshit crazy!!!
by medic1 August 12, 2014
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Originated by observing the way bats defecate. Bats hang upside-down and poo upside-down. If people were to hang upside-down and poo it would go all over their face therefore only a crazy person would shit like a bat making them batshit crazy.
Bill wants to buy an Oz of green for 20 bucks, yea that bill he's batshit crazy
by bs425 December 26, 2014
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Sarah Palin, just delivered a speech supporting Donald Trump that made absolutely no sense, that bitch is batshit crazy!
by Redbitchbetty January 21, 2016
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Bryndon Fisher expects to received $125 a share for his fannie mae & freddie mac common shares from the US government. This is batshit crazy.
by Fanniegate April 21, 2022
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