a girl named rebecca who has a real butt not implants; very bootylicious and gorgeous
bandersnatch wants her cocapuffs
by rebecca October 3, 2004
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A fleet, furious, fuming, fabulous creature, of dangerous propensities, immune to bribery and too fast to flee from.
The bandersnatch is coming, the bandersnatch is coming!!!
by Bandersnatch snatcher October 5, 2011
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a super elite counterstrike and quake 3 entity that will beat you unless your like CPL or some uber shit like that.

natural habitat is cs_office, aim_aztec, de_train, Q3DM17

normally found spelt with a ? for example "Bandersnatch?" so as to convey a sence of confusion.
i was trying to have a pleasent game of CS, but some 1337 guy called Bandersnatch kept owning me!
by Alex Mednick August 31, 2006
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The name of that awesome dog thing in Alice Wonderland. And the best bong ever.
David Bowie: Let's hit up the bandersnatch!
Bob Mar: Great idea! I love the bandersnatch!
by David_Bow July 14, 2010
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the reference to a girl/woman's pussy - of which isn't necessarily dirty or ugly from previous whorage - rather, the thought of or encounter with the vagina flags signals that it possesses foulness OR natural whorish form/appearance. The
mismanagement and neglect imposed on this particular vagina by its owner creates in turn a pussy not prepared to make impressions by any measure. However, it is still desirable enough to bang. It clearly has the potential to meet higher standards as well.
Examples of conditions which lead to the bandersnatch are as follows:

Subpar appearance/shape
Deformed symmetry

by Dshystey July 17, 2006
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1.A woman thats vagina smells worse than a rotting fish market

2.Someone that is being extremely annoying or a huge dueche bag
"The girls that was trying to get with me last night was a real bandersnatch"

"Why does that kid have to be such a bandersnatch"
by SnatchFinger January 25, 2010
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When someone, usually a child, is snatched into another world or realm by a monster, a neutral being, or a good being.
I was bandersnatched by the goblin army when I was just a child, taken to my now-home.
by Ima Physch May 4, 2021
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