Someones back that is covered in ance.
"Bacne is a huge turn off"

"My ex-girlfriends bacne resulted in my inability to sustain an erection during anal sex."
by Tyr138 November 21, 2005
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The pimple rash located on someones back.
Damn! That's the worst case of bacne I've ever seen!
by gerald pottie December 15, 2003
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Acne located on the neck and back.
I nearly OD'ed on birth control trying to get rid of my awful bacne.
by Effemel April 4, 2013
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This is the term for someone who has serious acne on their back. And it's pretty f-ing gross yo.
She needs proactiv for her bacne
by holting April 23, 2008
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A problem caused when dirt from the face leaks to the back area causing the horrible sight of acne, but on the back. Usually found in dirty, tall male's, but is also very contagious, so can be found on small peoples eyes.
Gary: "ahhh Andrew you have a massive nose and chin!"

Andrew: "ahhh Gaz you have bacne and a smaller penis than your brother!"

Gary: "aww"
by Nukeye October 6, 2009
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Nasty zits on someone's back, usually pop when it gets touched.
Elise Gibson who goes to L.C. bird high school has such ugly bacne i wanna cry everytime i see it.
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