Bäckahästen is a Nordic mythology about a horse that’s either white, dapple grey or shades of blue. It lives near the water and is so beautiful it lures children into sitting on its backs o it can later drown them.

The horse looks like a normal horse but once you get close enough you can notice giant sharp teeth in its mouth.

It doesn’t matter how many children there are, the horse back just grows longer and longer to be able to carry as many children as possible. When everyone is sat on its back it sets away in full gallop towards the water to drown them.

To avoid being drowned by the Bäckahäst you have to shout “ Cross! “ since the horse can’t stand Christian stuff. You can also throw a piece of steel in front of the horse to stop it from drowning you. The horse will then throw you off it’s back and run away.

Most Bäckahästar thinks just playing pranks on people is enough more than drowning them, however it’ll still try to drown you.

The Bäckahäst story was used to scare children so they wouldn’t go near water because they could easily drown.
by inteswag September 4, 2021
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