The Asian Schooling Standards go above and beyond the typical western grading Scale. The passing grade of the western standard is ye ole C-. With Asians however. A- is the lowest that is rarely accepted by the species known as the tiger mum. Any less than that and it is certain death by starvation. If you are asian you know. if you are western pray for thankfulness.
Tiger Muma: B+? B PLUSSSSSSSSSSSSS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEATH BY KATANA. YOU FAIL THE ANCIENT ASIAN SCHOOLING STANDARDS

Failure of an Asian: I got a B+. I have dishonoured myself, my family, my cow and my chickens.
by AsTheWindBlows July 14, 2016
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When one complains that they performed poorly on an academic examination, project, presentation, or other assignment soon after its completion, and then proceeds to out performs his/her expectations.
Oh nooooo I did so bad on my final, I failed, I failed!" two weeks later "OMG I got an A+! how did this happen!? I did soo bad!"

Shettup Lee, i'm tired of your Asian School Girl Syndrome, you always get A+!
by Frankenshtern December 14, 2010
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The typical asian school girl/female as seen in every show, book, movie. Usually over glamorized by self-righteous writers who try to draw attention to the fact that they can use a diverse cast.

Usually happy-go-lucky, if not preppy. May also fall under the category of "token-secondary-hot-chick".
Prime example of "Generic Asian School Girl": Cho Chang, from Harry Potter.
by Dontfailmeagain June 3, 2006
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