Short for "Anglo loser." Neo-cultural colonialists from the Anglosphere are known for embodying a number of double-standards, self-contradictions & hypocrisies due to all their mass programming. Such as being well-educated but globally ignorant, hero-worshipping Blacks but tirelessly bashing Asians and sexually-boasting to hide their own sexual insecurities... And they love preaching "progressive" politics abroad while those same politics are causing their own countries to self-destruct at home. Overall, they are just a very angry, cynical, bitter, racist, sorry lot. Not to mention completely self-absorbed and often obese. Formerly, they have also been variously known as "ugly Americans," "damn Yankees," "Red Coats," "colonialists," etc. Beware - you have been warned. Keep at least arm's distance away and don't make any sudden movements.
OMG, all this annoying Angloser ex-pat does is whine about his lack of a life all day while trying to pick-up cheap local hookers!
by Skyeye February 2, 2008
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