(n) a sow bug, a harmless terrestrial isopod commonly found under rocks and in soil. Also called a roly poly. So called because the critter rolls up into a tight little pill when you poke it.
I waited for a long time, and finally the pill bug unrolled and crawled away.
by Heptune May 16, 2005
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It's a rolley-polley that bends time and space. Can also describe a really annoying rolley-polley if it deletes reality.
Me:One time my foot was deleted by a Quantum Pill Bug
Friend:......How?..and What?

Me:It's a rolley-polley that bends time and space! WHAT DO YOU MEAN HOW!?
by Chubbydude May 9, 2018
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Awareness and a state of being created by an over indulgence of prescription pills and other prescribed medicnes. A state of being in which you are more docile and naive due to an over indulgence in prescribed medicine.
“Did you hear Mikey’s therapist has him on antidepressants now?” “Isn’t he already on adderral?” “He is bug pilled for sure”
by blickygotthestiffyuh September 29, 2023
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