Alternative Transhumanism, also Alt-Transhumanism or Alt-H+, is a term, often pejorative, to refer to ideologies, philosophies and ideas that are considered as transhumanism but they aren't part of classical transhumanism or make opposition to classical transhumanism, that doesn't advocate the classical transhumanist ideas of mixing with machines and AI and nor even to become classical cyborgs, androids and machines. Some ideologies, philosophies and ideas that are considered as forms of alternative transhumanism are: (Techno)psionicism, quantumism, extraphysicism, spiritualicism, (techno)vibrationalism, divinialism, geneticism, esoteric soulism, esoteric transhumanism and post-spacetimeism.
"Alternative Transhumanism is not that bad, it's actually good to break the hegemony of classical transhumanism and show it's possible to have other alternatives for human evolution besides the classical transhumanism itself. But it might take some time until classical transhumanism become hegemonic, but it might happen in less than 10 years from now."
by Full Monteirism June 5, 2021
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