An abbreviation of Ball State, generally caused by females wearing Ball State shirts. The cleavage causes the B and e to be obscured, thus rendering the shirt all Stat
that girl over there goes to All Stat University
by Justin H. V. August 31, 2008
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Jack of All Stats is a Standard Character Type in videogames.

The Jack of All Stats is defined by its lack of weaknesses or strengths. It's greatest strength is a lack of weaknesses, but it's greatest weakness is a lack of strengths.

In terms of game balancing, a Jack of All Stats character is pretty good at everything, but it is sub-par when compared to characters that specialize.

If the Jack of All Stats is next to worthless compared to specialized characters, it is instead known as a Master of None.
If the Jack of All Stats is much more powerful than the specialized characters, it is instead known as a Master of All.
"What build you running?"
"I like being good at everything. I'll run a Jack of All Stats."
"Yeah, sure. Have fun being master of none!"
by suntan50 December 20, 2015
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