A spanish activist in the early 1900's who loved the game of baseball. He fled his home country of Spain once leaders King and Queen Albero outlawed the sport that he loved. He landed on the Floridean coast over 100 years later in 2010 where he found a high school baseball team from New York, "Los Foxes." The young Albero was foreign to Los Foxes, but they soon warmed up to the upbeat, and Albero-esque attitude. Albero became a legend during his time on Los Foxes. He is now known as the greatest bench-player, ever known, ever seen. Albero...forever.

"Go get the mail, Albero."

"Albero? OR ALBEROOOOOO!!!!"

"Taylor gang, or Albero?"
by Crowmelo May 13, 2010
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