when someone is taking it up the ass, and can't handle it. so they bite a pillow, and scream into it.
there are a lot of pillow biters in a certain city, which shall not be named because they'll all give this a 'thumbs down'.
by Michael of SoCal February 25, 2007
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A passive gay male. The term originatied in an infamous court case involving a Political Party leader accused of conspiracy to murder his alleged male lover. When cross examined the lover went into great detail as to how the accused seduced him to the point of his arse being penetrated and stated he "bit the pillow" whilst he endured it.
"Whilst he was doing this to you, what did you do?"

"I bit the pillow and cried"

Self confessed pillow biter
by peterkin1010 March 2, 2015
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Jerry is such a pillow biter, you can tell by the way he walks.

You can tell Jerry is the pillow biter cos he acts the girl.
by Joanna164 October 26, 2007
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One who likes to receive, as opposed to one who enjoys giving to others
Are you just some pillow biter, or are you interested in a give and take relationship
by mickylee is me February 20, 2009
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A supposedly derogatory term for a homosexual man, particularly the ones that take it in the ass.
Personally, I rather like the term as it is, in my case, true :)
Mom: Son, do you have something to tell me?
Son: What are you talking about?
Mom: You're a pillow biter.
Son: How did you know!?
Mom: I saw the bite marks on your pillow.
Son: Oh.... Sally's preagnant.
Mom: WHAT!?
by Ilikegunsandkittens April 4, 2011
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Erin is such a pillow biter, she needs to take pain pills before she gets rammed!
by kate July 19, 2004
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