The hippest, trendiest, move of 2019. Flick anyone, your friends, your family, your haters. Just put your middle finger under your thumb and flick it
Patrick pissed me off, so I did "the flick" to him and he cried.
by petertheanteater213231 June 12, 2019
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The origins of this word stems from the ancient lands of McLigz. It's a phrase that is uttered out from frustration. It's actual wording is an ancient derivation of the F-word, "FRICK", but with a mis-pronounced accent. To be used correctly, it must be said with speed and spontaneity. Execution is key as it only makes sense if used with the write accent and under the proper context.
McLigz: Damn lor, i got a wong fung ngai choong. I again win!
by Jerson February 7, 2006
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Unit of time invented by Facebook - 1 flick corresponds to 1/705600000 of a second.
It was created as a way to express in Integer numbers (multiples of flicks) the duration of a frame in videos/films played back at common frame rates: 24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60, 90, 100, 120 Hz and 1/1000 divisions of each. It can also be used in audio for the most common frequencies: 8, 16, 22, 24, 32, 44, 48, 88, 96 and 192 kHz.
60 fps frame = 11760000 flicks
by drout_ January 27, 2018
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An event, good time, party, etc. (based on the definition of a movie as a flick)
Tony threw a live flick last night...
by Jer~ November 24, 2009
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A pedophile who waits for their prey to turn 18 before making a move.
Quagmire held back his smooth and effective skills with the ladies until Meg was of age. Quagmire is a flick.
by Sgt. Flick February 13, 2019
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To give someone or something 'the flick' is to get rid of, drop or discontinue something.
"You should give your woman 'the flick'."
"I gave my work 'the flick'."
"I'll probably flick this Uni degree before second semester."
by Diego July 29, 2003
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