The feeling of anything good, when "Amazing" just doesn't cut it.. when "Perfect" is not even close!!
Person 1: I Love you..
Person 2: I Love you too!
Person 1: I feel.. just.. Zigorous!!
Person 2: Me too..
by Donchawunder July 14, 2009
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1) When you discover someone is trying to do something that you have more skill at, do it first just to annoy them

2) Be as annoying as Zigor 24/7
1) Don't worry, i won't pull a zigor, i'm just trying to give you more motivation

2) Stop doing this, you're pulling a zigor so much
by Hemzy February 1, 2022
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A god who eats,sleep, and fights non stop for no reason
Omg that guy never gives up hes probably zigore, HES SOOO STRONG
by Saito The Wise October 9, 2017
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