Beautiful, intelligent, and self sufficient. Always makes people comfortable and appreciates life to its fullest. When she is there she will make your day light up. And if you ever catch her smile, you can't help but smile as well. Gorgeous in every way, she can solve any problem without too much help and loves to lead others, a leader in which others will truly follow. Though shy at first, she is efervesent and will warm up to you, and can engage in conversations about anything you could thing about. As someone once said, "Once you see her, your life will change"
Once you see a Zamantha, don't let the opportunity go amiss.
by KitFussion February 15, 2013
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A beautiful, SUPA' Chill, Down to Earth, Lovely, Sweet, Nice, Cool, Legit, and SUPA' AWESOME Asian (:
Dude look at her, I think her name is Zamantha.
Damn, now there's a Zamantha.
Just by way she talks, you can guess that she's a Zamantha.
By her personality, you can tell she is a Zamantha.

My girlfriend is SOO a Zamantha (:
by Zam's BF April 29, 2011
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A beautiful, gorgeous asian who plays vball. Always there for others and never lets opportunities go amiss. She has an amazing heart that's always open to passerbys. Seeing her smile is a sight for sore eyes. When you see a Zamantha, don't waste time and wife her up.
Dude, whose that girl over there? Oh wait isn't she Zamantha?
by ouyevoli November 9, 2023
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bitch has a season of every boyfriend she’s had 🚩🚩🚩🚩
by luvmydogs November 22, 2021
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