The study of YOLO
I yolo,
You yolo,
He, she, me, yolo.
Yolo, yoloing ...
Yolology, the study of YOLO
by theyolologist June 29, 2013
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Yolology - This study was founded by "Mac Dre", and heavily influenced by Drake and Sweet Brown. Yolology currently has no scientific foundation.

A closer look into the study:

"So, Sweet Brown, why is there no scientific foundation for yolology?"
"Ain't nobody got time fo dat"

"Drake, so, I heard that there is no scientific foundation for yolology, can you give us some more detail as to why?"
"YOLO, 'cause you can't yolo, if you studyin' yolo 'cause you aint yoloin'."
"So, Jim, now that you've graduated, what will you be studying?"


"Oh. I see. Where will you be studying yolology?"

"Nowhere, because aint nobody got time fo dat!"
by Tinaaaa123 September 24, 2013
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