A juice that makes people cowboys usually used as a meme
I drank some yee yee juice now I’m a cow boy
by yee yee juice March 2, 2019
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Juice that turns the user onto the yeehaw version of themselves and a strong urge to fuck they're siblings
As billy took a sip of his apple juice that was conveniently labled, he noticed there was anouther lable underneath. But it was too late. As he looked at the lable that said yee yee juice, he could feel his clothes changing to his hillbilly version of himself as he looked at his sister and realized that she didn't look to bad. And on that day, Billy Bob Joe was born.
by C4sandvitch April 20, 2019
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The sad version of Yeet Yeet Juice some even call it the little brother. Cousins of McSquitty Boy, and Falg boy.
Yeet Yeet Juice: Hey little bro
Yee Yee Juice: I am a Furrie!
by Jotdownmypants March 13, 2019
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