A gathering hosted by someone of Mediterranean descent (predominately Maltese) where their cousins attend, bringing a traditional dish that will be shared.

To be considered a Wogfest as opposed to a regular BBQ or gathering the event must include the 3 phases of wogfestation:

1. Consuming copious amounts of European food and alcohol and must include more than one type of cheese and more than one pasta dish
2. Complaining about their lives and arguing who in fact has the harder life

3. Interpretive dancing, often telling a story about the wog habits of their parents and borderline OCD.

NOTE: Usually the event is restricted to the blood relatives of said wogs, however, if a member is in a racially mixed relationship they are welcome as long as they pass initiation which usually involves eating unique euro food, mimicking wogs and trying to talk louder than the next guy.
Angelo: “Hey Rach, you think it is time for another Wogfest?”
Rach: “Puck yeh! I’m ready to get my food on Wogfestation style. WOOT WOOT
by Big A ta Greystanes February 17, 2011
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