A call (comeback) invented by the Aussie Icon, SuperWog.
Best results acheved when said very quickly and loud.
e.g of "What A Head"
(paper ball gets thrown at Superwog)

superwog: WATAHEAD!
by adomatto March 6, 2010
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A saying used by wogs (Greeks, Italians and Lebanese) in Australia. It is said at anyone with a strange-shaped head. If you see somebody that has a weird head, you go up to them point at them, and say to them in a wog-ish accent and scream 'what a head'
'What A Head"
by PJFDKNFEKDVFS; May 29, 2019
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An age old Australian rhetorical question typically posed when one of your mates has a new headwear or haircut of questionable status.
You're at school and Colin walks up to the boys with an utter bouffant on his head. Michael points towards the fez-cut on Colin's head and exclaims "What is your head, cunt?"
by SumOzi June 1, 2018
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When someone has some sort of head trauma albeit a gash or fresh stitches.
Brenda couldnt help but ask buddy about his head dressing. "Dude what's wrong with your head!!!"
by will bitten February 10, 2017
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