the act of slapping a sleeping or passed out person in the face with ones dick. It works best not with a softie yet not a full boner. a good quarter chub is ideal.
when bob passed out last night, i gave him a good whippie whappie
by whipwhap July 8, 2011
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Jamaican expression

From (since) whappy killed Phillup.

From names of actually people.

Whappy + Phillup or Phillip.

Possibly origins -According to the Gleaner, in June 1951 a man name Aston Jolley aka Whappie King attacked and robbed two people. One of them died, but none of the victim’s names was Phillip. Instead, the news article at the time mentioned “Wappy King fillip” and this ended up being switched to “Wappy kill Phillup” over time. If that is the origins of the story then that would be truly disappointing and anti-climatic.

There is another theory involving a murder between two brothers from Portland called William(nickname Wappy) and Phillip. This happened in the 1940s and was a real headline grabber, mainly because similar to now Portland did not have alot of murders. This sounds far more realistic than the Aston Jolly case as I think Jamaicans are far too creative to build such a timeless saying off “Wappy King Fillip”. Gleaner Story

Used to exaggerate the number of years something has been taking place for;
A very long time
by Tropical Rythms March 5, 2022
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"Do you like sweets?" "Whappi" "Are you ok?" "Whappi"
by Paimonisbraindead May 15, 2023
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When a female produces fecal matter into a pot then urinates into said pot and a man ejaculates into the pot adds water and then boiled until it is a smooth liquid.. then said liquid is rubbed all over the 2 people’s bodies and used as lube
Me and John made a nappie whappie last night I was the best
by Therealworderer April 4, 2022
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