A person that sexually harasses children online
Person A: Yeah, I heard Weebo harassed a 14 year old for nudes
Person B: Ugh, what a disgusting fucker
by WackyWordsWithWade July 27, 2020
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A weebo is much like an Otaku. Weebo's-or commonly misspelled, Weaboo- is an over obsessive fan of Japanese culture, and are giving Otakus a bad name. They revolve their whole lives around anime and manga, usually with the main stream material. The common Otaku likes anime, and does occasionally cosplay. Weebos just cosplay and watch anime to be like the Otakus. Weebos are usually friends with Otakus, and want to impress them. (So they watch Naruto, Inuyasha, etc.)

Most weebos speak Waponese, or use google translate to act like they know Japanese.
They misuse the words "Baka," "Kawaii desu,""Moshi-Moshi," "Aishiteru," and so much more.
Most of them use names on chatrooms with the word "Anime," "Kitty," "Maid," and "Manga" beware!

Most foreign (people outside japan) Otaku's don't like Weebos and see them self as better but don't have any knowledge of the true Japanese Otaku.

Therefor most Otakus treat Weebos bad in many way, at the same time Weebos dont know either creating a fighting attitude between the two "factions"
Weebo: Kyaaa! Did u liek, c that new episode of ____~? KAWAAIIIIDESUU~!

Otaku: Yeah. It was okay. But it wasn't a new episode...

Weebo: Really?! I'm so baka! Thanks! Aishiteru~! KYAAAA! DESU!!!

Otaku: .... Whatever. Please go away.

Weebo: But I love you desu!!! Aishiteru! Anime!

Otaku: GO. DIE.
by KatsuoRyuu February 20, 2017
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for really, the word "weebo" means "someone who loves anime, manga, japanese culture and videogames, but is not obsessed like hikikomori or otakus
my weebo girl forced me to watch anime xd
by miriaamchan May 2, 2021
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