One of the most pathetic, embarassing and obnoxious subculture ever to be shat on the face of the earth; cringe inducing morons who use meaningless japanese words when they talk to sound "special", who are worryingly obsessed with anything japanese, without knowing a single thing about japanese culture per say.
Lonely virgin loser teenager abusing the consumption of mangas and animes to forget about their failure of a life, generally sexually uncertain of what they are, but they're either trans or peadophiles. They dream about hazving sex with kiddy cartoon characters and can actually fall in love and become obsessed with something as sexually uninticing and ridiculous as pumba from the lion king. Utter and complete delusional fuckups that like to disguise as characters written for 10 year olds while being past 35, they're the butts of many a joke, and the shame of many a mother.

Common sense dictactes that this crowd of degenerate lowlives should have been exterminated long ago, if there wasn't so god damn many of them.
Look at that fucking weeaboo dressed up like sailor moon, don't these losers ever feel shame ?
by Spyan September 27, 2021
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Someone who is insanely into anime / Japanese culture and believe they should have been born in Japan
Never uses forks, knives & spoons and instead uses chopsticks. Wears kimonos. Normally uses the word "desu" in every sentence (or atleast a japanese word. Another example is "Kawaii")
by HoganRyan01 October 5, 2017
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A person who thinks Japan is some kind of god and praises the country, they think that Japan is superior and will often times call themselves Japanese. These people are usually hardcore anime fans, who develop their obsession and try to speak Japanese and will typically through in Japanese words in a conversation. To add to being a total ass hat they use honourifics on their own names and don't know a thing about Japan.
Jenny is such a weeaboo she keeps saying she's Japanese not American.
by Genericsarcasticteen August 6, 2016
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A weeaboo is a person who is normally obsessed with the Anime / Manga / Japanese culture.
Basically an extreme version of an Otaku.
Nearly all weeaboos are looked down upon, even if they shouldn't.
Some can be overly obsessed and annoying. (Ones that talk about anime all the time.)
Others can be kind and not so annoying, but still obsessed with Japanese things.

Some people associate them with homosexuals/gays/faggots, but most aren't homosexual.
Weeaboos commonly try as hard as they can to be like a Japanese person.
IE: Speak Japanese, Do Japanese Things, Eat Japanese Food, etc.
Weeaboo: *practicing and failing Japanese* UGH I CAN'T GET THIS WORD RIGHT *raging in Japanese* I'll just go listen to some anime music. *says curse word in Japanese*
by iiToxicMinded October 20, 2015
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One, stereotypically American, who obsesses over the Japanese culture. This is usually thanks to the recent trend of dubbing/translating anime/manga and bringing it to the new culture.

Typically, a Weeaboo will abuse the word "kawaii" to ridiculous levels, and other Japanese words will be completely mangled. Another trend is to obsess over every possible nook and cranny of a given manga, usually one translated by Monthly Shonen Jump, yet will, again, use "oro?" when told of another series, with this new series having much more redeeming values in the way of art, writing, characters, etc. Try it- ask any Narutard what Neon Genesis Evangelion is.

This is not to be confused with someone who can tell you who Akechi Mitsuhide is or one who simply appreciates and enjoys popular Japanese (the line is slightly blurred with Otaku, though they're not quite the same). In a nutshell, these are shortsighted, obsessive "noobs," key phrase Over the Top.

Compare and contrast people who do nothing but say "FAIL" all day.
Want to talk to a Weeaboo? Walk into any middle school and ask "Who likes Naruto?"
by Shenlong45177 November 16, 2010
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A Weeaboo is someone who thinks they're japanese and pretend to speak it and end up look like retarded monkeys. they also have colored hair and hentai backpacks and shirts
Look at this weeabo with his gay hentai backpack and shirt. Weeaboo Cunt!
by Definition NIBBAS October 26, 2018
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