It’s the one day out of the week when Jake likes to say weird shit that doesn’t make any sense to his girlfriend
by E Inah Pets April 8, 2021
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It is a sacred holiday amongst young men and women alike. The day before thanksgiving is for pregaming like it’s spring break in palm beach. If there are any drinks or “flower” left in your house at the end of the night, there is always next year
Mom: why do you look like you just crawled out of a grave and smell like a sports bar?
You: calm down mom, it was Wacky Wednesday I had to get shit faced
by DAB#2 November 24, 2022
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You insert an ice butt plug and try to finish (orgasm) before it melts.
I tried a Finnish Wednesday but it was summer in Vegas and it melted before he found my clit.
by Base19 May 23, 2023
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