A sensation experienced by republicans in the heat of a patriotic debate in which they irrationally demand that the country go to war, despite what they hear, or see, or what their best intelligence indicates.

While it is important to note that democrats also have the ability to wargasm, it is too a much less degree and requires hours of prior stimulation.
hey, did you hear about Bush's war on terror? sounds ambitious.

nah man, I heard he said it while having a wargasm. Don't worry about it. I'm sure America's political and military infrastructure will be fine.
by dranachronism2 April 19, 2011
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Just like an Orgasm, it is the Excitement of playing Call of Duty and having the biggest gaming experience of your life.
Guy 1: Man this is the best!
Guy 2: This is the best game Ever!
Guy 3: Dude I'm having a Wargasm!!!
by HeyBroItsMe October 8, 2011
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Multiple kills in a row in a game such as Call of Duty or Halo
Dude, I just had a massive Wargasm in COD Black Ops

13 kills in a row? That's a Wargasm right there.
by RogueNinja101 February 1, 2011
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adj. of or relating to wargasm. >able to achieve wargasm.
- DERIVATIVES wargasmically adv. wargastic adj. wargastically. adv.
"The helicopter scene in 'Apocalypse Now' when they played Wagner, was totally wargasmic."
by Dick Splash March 1, 2005
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n. 1 the climax of gaming excitement, either FPS or RTS, characterised by intensely pleasurable sensations centred in the brain. 2 the climax of combat excitement often felt by military personnel around the world, especially if they are on the winning side, characterised by intensely pleasurable sensations centred in the brain. 3 the climax of cinematic excitement, characterised by intensely pleasurable sensations centred in the brain after having watched a war film or films. v. have a wargasm.
-ORIGIN C20: From Brit.
"I had a right wargasm after finally completing the game in single player mode."


".....so I let rip with a full mag' into his chest and he just spun around and fell right over the balcony. It took a week to get over that wargasm."


"I had a total wargasm last night, after watching 'Saving Private Ryan' and 'Band of Brothers' back to back"
by Dick Splash March 1, 2005
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The ecstatic rush of adrenaline and testosterone experienced by warmongers, militarists, and belligerists at the beginning of a long-anticipated armed conflict.
"If Israel attacks Iran, John Bolton will have such a wargasm that his head might explode."
by smendler July 29, 2009
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What President George W. Bush has when he thinks about bombing another country in the middle east.
President Bush had a wargasm when he thought about bombing Iran to find oi...er, eliminate weapons of mass destruction.
by Lon June 27, 2005
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