Guaranteed low-prices, an every day deal!
Basically a very cheap whore.
Usually found at Walmart.
Thinks Walmart is the hottest "Club"
As well as Safeway, Raleys, Savemart, Rite-Aid, etc.
But especially Walmart
Guy 1-Did you hook up with Grace?
Guy 2-Yeah man, she's such a Walmart Hooker.

Guy 1- Hey do you want to buy a hooker?
Guy 2- Yeah, but I don't have enough money.
Guy 1- It's okay, we can just get a Walmart Hooker!
Guy 2- Like Grace?
Guy 1- Exactly!
by Anotheronebitesthedustbunny January 2, 2012
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1. A hooker that hangs around Walmart

2 a slut the walks around Walmart all day looking for someone to fuck

3 an insult that started online often implying someone's mom is a hooker
1 hey Ben look at the cheap Walmart hookers I bet you can hire one later tonight

2 that lady's such a cheap Walmart hooker all she's doing is looking for poon

3 hey Ben your moms a cheap Walmart hooker
by Theeyelessmonster April 16, 2014
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