What Won't Obama Tax? Growing frustration over Government programs rammed through legislation with little or no Congressional review.
This is foolish, I don't make $250,00 a year, and I don't drive a gas guzzler, but they slap me with a Gas tax, a carbon tax, an alternate energy tax, an excise tax because I earned a Bonus through hard work! They even want our soldiers to pay for their own health care. This is Usery: WWOT!!! (What Won't Obama Tax?)
by MULIDO March 19, 2009
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Wwot is the acronym for “Worms Wednesday on Thursday”. Typically used by groups of friends that have trouble sticking to schedules due to drinking problems…

While the “Worms” can mean anything from the award winning “Worms” franchise, it can also mean the same kind that make people scoot their asses across the floor from bum itchiness.
by Sp0d April 6, 2023
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Where we out to?
by Yktvsss September 30, 2023
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