A city in New York State, where the term "Steamed Hams" is non-existent.
Person 1: You call hamburgers "Steamed Hams"?
Person 2: It's a regional dialect.
Person 1: Uh-huh. What region?
Person 2: Uhh, Upstate New York?
Person 1: Really? Well, I'm from Utica and I've never heard anyone use the phrase "Steamed Hams".
Person 2: Oh, not in Utica, no, it's an Albany expression.
Person 1: I see.
by Psycho Doge August 2, 2021
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As in you think you're good at comedy but you're actually just cringe-worthy and unwatchable
When you think Utican't do worse, Utican.
by Poopbunny March 27, 2021
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